Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What She Didn't Say

The other day, I was reading Facebook. A pastor I know posted that he had been in a Twitter debate over the following quote from someone I do not know who tweeted:

"Pastors: today you get to say to everyone in your presence, 'You are enough. You were enough in 2017, and you'll be more than enough in 2018. What an honor. Don't take it for granted.'"

What do you think of that tweet? The problem that the person I know had with it is that it "ignores much of the scripture.  Since Eden, we've not been 'more than enough' have we? If so, why Jesus?"

I see that - I get it. With God, we are more than enough.  I don't debate what he is saying, except that (you knew there would be an "except that..." didn't you?) I don't think the person saying it was trying to exclude God.

Is she?

I think she is trying to encourage pastors to be encouragers.  In a world when people feel downtrodden, where they are told that they are not enough for anyone, can't we be encouragers? Maybe there is a better way to say what she said, but I think to motivate pastors to lift people up is good, and don't want to assume that she is telling people to spread a gospel that doesn't include Christ.



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