Monday, February 10, 2014


Posted on Facebook:  "Women don't need to be rescued; they just need someone to listen to them."

That started me thinking.  Do women need to be rescued? I have to say I agree, in some ways, with the poster.  Women don't have a larger need to be rescued than anyone else.  We are as capable, skilled and gifted as men.  I am shorter and less physically strong than most men I know, so there are times when it's helpful to have jar opened, a dish brought down from a high shelf, or luggage carried.  That doesn't mean I can't do it on my own, but even so, none of that is rescue.

I think the traditional viewpoint of women needing rescue and men being heroes comes from a few sources.  The "damsel in distress" and the "rescuing hero" model has been seen as romantic.  I wonder in the past if the "type" woman had a need to feel loved, and to be rescued meant that she was worthy of rescue.  For the "type" man, to be the hero made him feel worthy as well - stepping up as a man, into his expected macho role.  But that's not the way life is, and we are not the "type" of yesteryear.  Our worth is not defined by what someone else will do or by how we meet others' expectations.  God has defined our value, and we are of sacred worth.

What does it mean to be rescued?  Merriam-Webster defines rescue as "to free from confinement, danger, or evil (save, deliver).  That's not a state that is unique to women.  We are all in need of rescue.  God, loving us with an unlimited love, has determined our need of rescue and has provided it.

The hero was Jesus, dyeing on a cross, providing rescue for all men and women, who were equally in need of it.  It is an ultimate act of love, and should create in us an overwhelming gratitude.  So, what do we do?  How do we respond?  We become the rescuers.  We shine with the love of Christ, so that all will know their sacred worth and their place in the kingdom of God.

We love like God has loved.   Go rescue somebody today.



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