Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Darkness and Light

The light has come into the world,
and people loved darkness rather than light.
—John 3.19

Sometimes, when I come into my office after lunch, and the light is off, I am tempted to leave it off, and to work in the dimness.  It seems quieter.  Sometimes more peaceful than overhead lights.

Sometimes, when I walk into our family room, and Steve has the overhead lights on for his work, I find them so bright that I want to immediately turn them off.  I find relief in the darkness.

Why would anyone love darkness rather than light? 

Light shines into the corners.  It illuminates everything.  We can hide in the darkness, but we find it hard to hide in the light.

What we need, though, is light.  We need the corners illuminated so that we can clean them out.  We need the hidden places made plain, so that we can blow out the dust and dirt, and start fresh.  That process is painful, sometimes, and sometimes it is more peaceful to sit in the dark.

But God brings light.  And light is what we need.  Light brings the true peace.



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