Friday, February 10, 2012


From RevGalBlogPals:
It's Valentine's Day on Tuesday.... So, share 5 Valentines you would like to give this year, and why-- but here is the hitch, you can't give them G-d, Jesus, Holy Spirit...or your mom, your beloved, your sweet child(ren)...tell us about the other amazing beings in your life.
That's difficult.  What if I listed 5 valentines I would send to people -- just today?  Who would they be if I had to not include family or God?
  1. A women called me this morning.  Her mother died last night.  Today she is working her way through funeral plans.  Our Foundation is to the "in lieu of flowers" recipient for donations.  She said, "my mother lived an incredible life."  She was obviously amazed by her mother and her mother's generosity, and she is trying to honor her through these gifts. 
  2. Since I can't, by definition of the game, list my Mom, who is ALWAYS helping, I'll list my brother-in-law, who today provided Plan B.
  3. S, who is new in the very complicated job she has, but is still moving forward, trying to do all she can to do it all right.
  4. D, who is trying to help someone.
  5. M, whose birthday we are celebrating.
  6. B, who is living life, no matter what, and J, who is listening to him.
Amazing people. They are in my days, every day, different each day.



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