Thursday, January 26, 2012


I was reading a blog called The Painted Prayerbook today.  Jan Richardson writes:
But, as Jesus shows us in this passage where we see him healing a man in the grip of a destructive spirit, such a blessing—the blessing that comes in facing the chaos rather than turning away from it, the blessing that comes in naming what is contrary to God’s purposes rather than letting it persist unchecked—makes way for the wholeness we crave. It brings release to what has been bound; it invites and enables and calls us to move with the freedom for which God made us.
So, someone points out to you a part of yourself or your actions that is contrary to God's purposes.  Is it a blessing?

Calling it a blessing is certainly a different way to look at it.  It doesn't often feel like a blessing at the time.  It feels painful and awful. 

Perhaps the blessing can come from how you react.  (And the assumption here is that what someone has pointed out to you actually is contrary to God's purposes.)  Do we see it as constructive criticism that can lead us closer to God?  Do we act to correct what is contrary to God's purposes and move toward wholeness?  If so, then the results can be a blessing. 

I think the comment from the other purpose can be meant as a blessing or not.  What we do with it -- that can bring about the blessing.

And sometimes, the comment -- the actual words themselves -- later are seen as a blessing.

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