Monday, February 06, 2012

Wait Upon the Lord

One of the lectionary readings for last Sunday was Mark 1:29-39.  It's the story of Jesus going to Simon's house and healing his mother-in-law.  And then he heals all of the people gathered outside the house.  It is verse 35 that interested me this week, though.  In the midst of it all, after healing people and before moving on to the next town to start it all again, he sneaks out of the house and goes off by himself to pray.

Maybe sneaks is a strong word, but he leaves, and no one knows where he has gone.  They have to hunt for him. 

In the busyness of ministry, do we forget to stop and go off by ourselves to pray?  To discern God's will?  To seek renewal, strength and guidance from God?  If Jesus himself needed to do it, don't we think we need to do it, too?

It was also interesting to me to see that this passage is paired in the lectionary will verses from Isaiah 40: 
but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (verse 31)
Do we wait up on the Lord?

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