Thursday, January 19, 2012

He is who he is

My son says he has green eyes.  My husband agrees with him, but I think Josh's eyes are hazel. 

The truth is, though, no matter what color I call his eyes or what color he says his eyes are, they are a particular color that is not impacted in the slightest by my perception of the color, by what I call the color, or by how much I insist that I am right.  His eyes are the color they are, independent of my insistence.

I was thinking this morning that the same is true about God.  No matter what I call him, or how I describe him -- no matter how much you or I argue about the "truth" about God -- God is God, and our perception of him does not change who he is or what he does.

Do you think it is the case that sometimes instead of God creating us in his image that we try to re-create God in our own image of who he should be?  He is who he is (sound familiar?), and no matter how much I insist he is a certain way, he is still I Am.

There is much in that to take comfort.



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