Saturday, October 22, 2011


It has been a busy few days.  On Thursday and Friday we had our fall board meeting.  That generates a whole lot of work, worry, preparation and execution.  It's a great Board of Trustees, and I love to be around them, but the meetings keep us busy for a few days.

Part of the Board meeting is a worship service.  The Trustee who led worship this time started out by talking about feeling like an outsider, and the first time he felt like a "loser."

He said something that stuck with me.  He said that we allow those who label us to have more power in our lives than our own sense of who we are.

Isn't that true?  Sometimes?  The older we get, I think the less we are prone to do that, but even now, at an age that starts with a 4, I still let that happen.

God doesn't use labels.  To God, we are not winners or losers; we are his children.  God sent his son so that none of us will be outsiders.

The next time I feel like I am on the outside, I'll remember Brent's sermon.



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