Sunday, November 29, 2009

Now and Not Yet

Our Sunday School lesson today was based on 2 Peter 3:1-13. It is an apocalyptic passage -- concerning the second coming of Christ.

The teacher of the class said that we are living in the time between the coming of Jesus and the second coming. His thesis was that we are to be always prepared, because we do not know the time.

I think saying that we live in an in-between time negates the idea that Christ is living with us at this moment. It doesn't speak to us of the idea that we are presently living in the Kingdom of God -- the now and the not yet. The theme that we are waiting for the coming of Christ only focuses on the not yet.

The now is important. The now is the hope and faith that when we enter a room, Christ enters it with us -- has arrived there before us, and follows us. It is the idea that Christ comes every day into our hearts and minds to lead and guide us in his father's kingdom.

The now is important and living in the now assures that we are prepared for the not yet.



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