Friday, November 27, 2009

Story of a King

I was working on Disciple reading this week -- much, much reading. I came to the chapters in 1 Kings that have to do with King Solomon. As the chapters were moving along, Solomon made a treaty with King Hiram of Tyre. Hiram provided the wood needed for the temple and the palace.
After the temple is completed, Solomon dedicates it. Chapter 8 contains the prayer of Solomon concerning the temple. Following that, God visits Solomon. I noticed a couple of things about this theophany.
  • God lifts up David as an example for Solomon to follow -- an example of obedience and faith for Solomon. I thought that was interesting. God's role model for Solomon was certainly not a person without sin. David was someone who made mistakes, and yet God still lifts him up to be an example for Solomon.
  • God remind Solomon of the covenant between God and the new king. I thought it was interesting that right after this speech from God, Hiram complains about King Solomon. Solomon has provided 20 villages for Hiram. Once Hiram goes and visits these cities, he rejects them as proper payment for the wood that Solomon has imported. I wonder if there is a literary reason that these two stories are placed side by side in the chapter. God has reminded Solomon that they have a covenant and that he has responsibility to uphold it. Right after that we see an example of how Solomon has not fulfilled his side of a treaty to the satisfaction of his neighboring king. Is it foreshadowing for the rest of Solomon's reign and his ability to live up to his part of the covenant with God?

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