Friday, July 24, 2009

Growing up

I just read a post on Fallible that talks about her journey with her daughter as she has grown up. It struck a chord with me.

I remember when G was born (of course I do -- silly statement). Steve and I were in the NICU with him, changing his clothes. We were so afraid we were going to break him! And as the time came to bring him home (he stayed a week in the hospital), I remember thinking that we had NO idea how to take care of a baby -- what in the world were we doing?

We took it one day at a time, and amid the fear and worry, he kept growing. We didn't break him (so far). Each day goes by, and we don't usually notice that he is getting older as he stands in front of us.

The fear of dropping him on his head has receded, just to be replaced by other worries.

Now he's driving. He's going out without us. How did this happen?

Dropping him on his head seems alot less worrisome that these present day concerns.



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