Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Time for Growth

One of the lectionary readings for the week is the story of Samuel looking for the next king after God and he were disappointed by King Saul.

Think of what Samuel must have thought when God tells him to anoint David. David, the shepherd, the youngest of all of the sons of Jesse. He had so little obvious potential that even his father leaves him in the fields when Samuel comes to pay a call.

Faith and trust in God must have been required of Samuel in this instance. He had to imagine the potential in this teenager. Potential for growth. Potential for leadership.

I read an article today about this season in the church year. Ordinary time. The time when the exciting red paraments are replaced much too soon with the boring green ones. Ordinary time. Even the name isn't very exciting. This article suggested that we think of Ordinary time as a time for growth. Green for growth. In what ways is your church prepared for growth? What potential is there for growth. Does this time require trust and faith on your part to see the period of growth through to its logical end?



Blogger bob said...

In our church the start of ordinary time seems to start a period of people stepping back and looking at church from the outside. Usually coinciding with summer it seems to me like everything goes on vacation Sunday school,Bible studies,even the choir, it seems kind of sad.

5:06 AM  

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