Thursday, May 14, 2009

What is needed

The other day I was praying for my friend who is facing his father's critical illness. I had just read the lectionary Psalm for the week, which was a portion of Psalm 22 (verses 25-31).
...and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, saying that he has done it. (verse 31)
As I prayed, asking for support and grace, healing and comfort, I was struck by that Psalm. "...saying that he has done it." My prayer turned into praise. Instead of asking, I was praising. Instead of praying for comfort and support, I found that I was thanking God that they had it. Instead of asking for mercy and grace, I was praising its God-given presence. Instead of hoping that my friend could see the presence of God, I was grateful that he did.

I have found throughout this week that I am often praying my thanksgiving that God knows what they need and is granting it.

Today one thing that was needed was that I would be able to represent our staff at a meeting, since JtM couldn't leave his family to attend. I knew that God would provide what was needed, and that meant he would enable me to do what needed to be done. There was a calmness I didn't expect. We made it through the meeting, and I know it was just God getting done what was needed.



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