Saturday, September 27, 2008

A cup overflowing

I was in a meeting last week. We began the day with a devotional -- it's late right now, and I can't remember the scripture he used as he basis of the devotional.

Anyway, it was a good devotional. I say that because, for me, one of the results of the worship was a feeling of the closeness of God.

As part of it, he had us gather in our little groups at the table and discuss with each other those things for which we were grateful. As the other two people sitting with me were discussing blessings, I was overwhelmed. I started thinking how grateful I was to be where I was, and how I would never have been able to predict it a year ago. I thought about my family, my friends, my life in all of its joy and blessings.

I knew as the other two people at my table continued to share, that there was no way I could voice that feeling. When my turn did come, I said something -- "my whole life" maybe, and found myself in tears (those leaky kind, not the sad kind). I was surprised by my reaction. I hope I remember that awareness of gratitude.

Someone said today, "I'm drinking from my saucer, because my cup is overflowing." Amen.

Image: Rose from Ritter Park



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