Saturday, July 19, 2008

Change in Perspective

Have you ever been around someone who knows everything -- someone who always knows the answer?

Are there ever people around you who make judgments about the people around him, and who seems close-minded?

It's easy to make judgments. It's easy to think that we know all of the answers.

The problem is that we don't know all of the answers. It's rare that we know all of the facts in a situtation.

Yesterday, before I left West Vir ginia Wesleyan, I picked up my camera and went walking, taking pictures. This first one is of a tree on the campus. From my viewpiont, i t looked like one tree, standinga alone. But, when I stepped off to the right side, it could easily be seen that there was not just one tree, but a whole row of trees.

One person standing in one particular spot has a certain vantage point. We think we know everything, but we can't know what is behind the actions of another. To be so close-minded that we won't admit that we might be wrong, or that there could be other answers than the one we are considering.

Sometimes it just takes a change in perspective to see the big picture. That's why God is so good at it.



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