Saturday, January 12, 2008

The shape of the rules

I mentioned earlier that I have been listening to a series of sermons by Andy Stanley called The Sinai Code. The sermons are about the Ten Commandments.

To summarize the sermons/commandments:

  1. God is to be our ONLY God (#1)
  2. We are not to attempt to reduce God to something smaller than he is (#3).
  3. We are not to misuse the name of God for our own purposes. (#4).
  4. We are to take a day off so that God can remind us weekly that we are dependent upon him (#5)
  5. We are to respect each other -- each other's bodies, property, marriages, ....(#6-10)
These are not rules meant ot create a barrier between God and us if we disobey them. They are rules established so that we will create a relationship with God.

In fact, if you look at them, they are rules which were created to help us to put in place that which Jesus said was most important -- Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

Do you know what that is? The Ten Commandments are cross-shaped.



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