Thursday, January 10, 2008



I just finished watching Grey's Anatomy and ER. Both of the shows tonight talked a little bit about faith. What is it? What can it do?

On Grey's Anatomy, there was a faith healer. She healed by light and color, or something like that -- not important. What I thought was interesting was that one of the doctors said, "I have faith, but faith is not science. Faith cannot heal."

I beg to differ. Now, I don't believe that holding hands to eliminate bad colors (or whatever) is going to heal the heart rhythm of an ill patient, but I do believe that faith can heal. We don't see physical healing very often, but I think that we see emotional and spiritual healing all the time. God will heal us, if we allow it.

On ER, the chaplain said that faith was necessary for truth, for love (and for some other things that I can't remember). Faith is necessary, I think, for the ultimate truth, and it is necessary for agape love.

Faith, I believe, is a continual path to spiritual development. What is spiritual development? Healing. Healing from our sinful self to the person God created us to be. Healing from our brokenness to wholeness. Faith does heal, thank God.



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