Purpose of Prayer

What is the purpose of prayer. I can think of all kinds of reasons not to pray, but as you read the Bible, you will find numerous examples of prayer, including prayers of Jesus. Obviously, it has a purpose, and just as obviously, God expects us to pray.
Yancey says, "The main purpose of prayer is not to make life easier, not to gain magical powers, but to know God."
I was listening to a song my Mercy Me called On My Way to You. The lyrics:
Almost there, almost where I'm supposed to beIt occurs to me that this is one of the purposes of prayer -- it is to engage in a relationship with God. We tell God what is on our mind, and he shares with us who he is. Relationship.
It's not all clear, but you keep showing me
With every step, the more my heart moves to your beat
Just like where I'm headed, there's joy in the journey
Teach me to think like you think
Show me the things that are true [ohh]
Finish the work you have started in me
As I'm on my way to you
As I'm on my way to you
Create in me a pure heart and make me new
Less of me, Jesus more of you
Here I stand, still I'm drawn down to my knees
It's not my strength, but Your's that carries me
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