Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Tale of Two Signs

We went to Lexington today, and had dinner at Macaroni Grill. I've already posted (this morning), but these two signs tickled me. The one on the right was on the outside of the door to the ladies' restroom. After my experience of the past few days, I thought I was in trouble. Luckily, the floors were not humid. The real problem was what I noticed on the way OUT of the restroom. Turning around and seeing "Men" on the back of the door could have been more unbalancing than slick floors. I didn't fall, and, happily, I wasn't in the wrong room. I also have it on the best authority, three times confirmed, that the men's room has the word "Women" on the inside of the door. What I don't understand is WHY.

Of course, this really only provides confirmation of how weird I am. The look on my guys' faces when I came back from the restroom with my camera in my hand was "priceless." There is also a bartender in Lexington who, for just a few moments, was probably wondering why the crazy lady was taking pictures of the restroom door. Was she gathering evidence for her "slip, trip, fall" lawsuit? Did she have a strange door fetish? I need a t-shirt that says, "Ignore me; I'm just blogging."

Dinner was great -- bowtie pasta and pesto. The waiter did a good job. Of course, he may have heard about the crazy lady from the bartender.

I also wanted to take a moment to mention the comments on The Fall post. Gentlemen (including S, whose comments weren't posted but told in person), as the song goes, "You lift me up," which is certainly appreciated after a fall. Thank you.


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