Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Maple Tree Shade

When I was a kid, we would go to visit my grandparents in Bradley, which is just right next to Beckley. Their house didn't have air conditioning, but Beckley is at a higher elevation than Huntington, so it was a little cooler there in the summer (a little cooler). When it was hot, we would take lawn chairs and put them under this giant maple tree that was in the front yard. The shade from that tree was a relief from the heat.

When S and I were walking the dog this afternoon, it was blisteringly hot. HOT. HOT and heavy. Did I mention that it was HOT? We walked by Mom's house, and as we came to her maple tree, the change in temperature in the shade of that tree was noticable and unexpected. It brought to mind immediately the maple tree in my grandparents' yard.

I'm sitting here thinking about those maple trees and the shade they provide. I wonder if that isn't one of the roles of the church. Strange comparison, you think? Let's look a little closer:

  • The shade from a maple tree cuts down the heat of the day. It provides relief in the heavy pressure of a mid-summer day. The church is called to be a community of support -- providing relief in the pressures of life. Isn't that what support is all about?
  • The maple tree doesn't care who is standing under it -- the shade is for anyone. In life, family and friends provide "shade," but the church is called to provide that relief and support for anyone -- it shouldn't matter if we are related or not, if we are "buddies" or not -- the church is called to love our neighbors -- and everyone is a neighbor.
  • The maple tree doesn't block out the light, it just decreases the glare. Under the tree, we see better -- our perspective is better because we aren't squinting or fighting the glare of the sun. The church is called to do the same thing. We are to cut down the glare of suffering -- provide some perspective.
  • In the shade of the maple tree -- in the coolness is creates -- we are happier. Maybe you would disagree, but I think the church is called to bring joy to people's lives.

So pull up a lawn chair, kick off your shoes, and relax in the shade. May it be for you a place of relief, of coolness, of support, of perspective, and of joy. Amen.

Images: First is Mom's maple tree, next is the fireworks that were visible from our backyard last night. No reason to put them in the post except that it's the Fourth of July, and, hey, I got a picture of fireworks. The third image is of a red flower in a neighbor's yard -- I have no idea what it is, but I like it.

Happy Fourth! We're picnicing (inside) at a friend's house. I was asked to bring a "potato kind of casserole," so I found a recipe for twice-baked potato casserole, and I'm giving that a try -- I always hate to take a dish somewhere that I've never pre-tested, but we'll see. The great thing is that I was able to fix it earlier today, stick in the fridge, and I'll just pop it in the oven at Bowie's to heat it up. Love those fix ahead kind of things.


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