Friday, March 10, 2006

The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful

It's Friday, and I really have very few thoughts. Maybe it's more accurate to say that I do have thoughts, but I'm too tired to express them.

So, first, I'm going to distract you with a couple pictures -- Look -- pretty pictures. Aren't they nice? If you have to be at track practice at 6pm on a Friday, it's nice that the sun cooperates to make a beautiful sky for your entertainment.

Next, I'm going to share with you the best and the worst. First, the worst (since it's better to end on a high note. I have no idea how I keep ending up on this blog -- Jeff the Baptist (not Jeff the Methodist) keeps getting linked on other blogs. I need to stop reading the posts that are linked on this site. But I didn't today, and so I read this. Apparently, he thinks it is unfair that men have no say in decisions regarding abortion because the consequences may affect the man financially. Hmmm. I guess life is just unfair. I mean, really, life would be more fair if men got to carry to term any baby conceived in the odd months of the year. But that's just not the way it is, is it?

OK, something good to end this rather catty post. I received this in my email this week:

Sometimes you are in so much pain that you cannot pray. When you try, your prayer seems to fall with a thud to the floor, and when you try to open yourself to God's presence, you encounter a whole lot of nothing. God seems to have vanished, and all you have left are emotions and spirit tangled with pain, anger, and desolation. ... At this point grace comes in. Your groping desire for God is enough; God can listen to the prayer you can't yet articulate.


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