Friday, February 03, 2006

Math and a movie

Very tired tonight and not much to say. Just a couple of tidbits:

J, a month or so ago, found out that he was the alternate for his grade's math field day team. He's been very excited and has practiced with the team. I'm proud of him for making the team, and for working so hard when the only chance he would have to compete would be if one of his team-mates got sick. Everyone was healthy today, and he fulfilled his alternate job of being on stand-by. What makes me feel even more blessed is that he was VERY INSISTENT that he go to the "assembly" at the end of Math Field Day to support his team. I took off work, and we went. He was so enthusiastic, cheering on his three friends. Never once did he seem sad or disappointed that he hadn't been able to participate. Sometimes, as a parent, you have moments when you say to yourself, "Wow. What a great kid."

After math field day, I took J back to his after school care group to play, and then went to a movie. I saw The New World, which is based on the story of John Smith, Pocahontas and Jamestown. There a moments of beauty in this film -- gorgeous shots of scenery. I am not sure where is was filmed, but it looks just like coastal Virginia -- marshes, trees, water. Very authentic looking. However, the script for the movie would have fit on about 10 pages -- it's a 2 hour, 15 minute movie. Lots of soulful music, soulful looks, and very long walks through the grass. I love to see movies more than once, but this one is not on my "see again" list. Time crawled. Except for the 15 minutes in the middle of the movie when I napped.


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