Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie eleison down the road that I must travel
Kyrie eleison through the darkness of the night
Kyrie eleison where I'm going, will you follow?
Kyrie eleison on a highway in the night

Kyrie eleison.
Lord have mercy.
I remember those times when that was the only prayer.
When there could be no other prayers.
When even that prayer evaded my mind.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord have mercy.

And yet, Lord have mercy?
The Lord is mercy.
Why ask the Lord to have something that the Lord already is?
Lord have mercy?
No. Lord, share yourself with me.

Lord, cover me with who you are.
Lord, blanket me in your mercy.
In the times when the spirit prays,
When the holiness in me
Lord, be who you are.
Be the steadfast pillar you already are.
Show me your mercy.
Show me yourself.

As I walk down the road,
in the darkness,
lead me where I'm going,
down the highway in the night.
Lord, surround me in yourself.
In your mercy.

First stanza and inspiration from Kyrie Eleison
 Lyrics by Richard James Page / John Ross Lang / Steven Park George.

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