Wednesday, January 29, 2025

More Like the Tax Collector

I'm currently reading the book Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws by Adam Hamilton.  In the third chapter, he talks about parables, and how to read them to find the spiritual truth the author is intending to convey. He says we should first be cognizant of the context, and then look for the contrast - usually there are two or more people or ideas being compared to each other.  We can then ask ourselves two questions:
  1. In what ways am I like each of the characters or objects in teh parable?
  2. What does Jesus want me to know, think, or do in response to this parable?
Those are good questions, and they remind me of some of the Bible study techniques I've seen before.

He then goes on to use the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector as an example.  It's in Luke 18:10-14.  The Pharisee prays, "God I thank you that's I'm not like everyone else - crooks evildoers, adulterers - or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give a tenth of everything I receive."

First, I wonder what God thinks when someone prays a pray like this?  I wonder what God thinks when God's church acts like this. 

You can't miss the declines in our church membership. We talk about it a lot, and we search for solutions. Should we change our worship style? Should we ask for a younger minister? Should we have lessons about our stained glass so that everyone can admire them and know their stories (truthfully, I'm not making that up).

No one ever says, "Should we be more like the tax collector and less like the Pharisee?"  Maybe we should have that conversation.


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