Friday, April 05, 2024

Born Again

Can you tell my thoughts and writing are lately influenced by Walter Breuggemann's book, A Way other than our Own?  In one of the devotions I read, he used the John 3 passage about Jesus's meeting with Nicodemus to inspire the writing.  He compares the experience of being born again to the characteristics of a baby: innocent, vulnerable, dependent.

I don't know about you, but those aren't words I want to be used to describe me as an adult.  We strive to not be dependent, to not show vulnerability, and to be cynical rather than innocent (or naive). And yet, I think Breuggemann would say that when we think about our relationships with God and with others, our goals are backwards. 

Serving God and serving others in love means stepping out in vulnerability, doesn't it? God wants us to depend on God and to not depend on ourselves. And sometimes cynicism gets in the way of relationship.

Honestly, sometimes I struggle with the phrase "born again" because (in my opinion) it has been corrupted by the conservative church to have a particular meaning or to be a particular gateway. Being born again has come to mean a lightning experience of a particular moment. Your born again experience can be judged against these standards to see if it measures up.  (my cynicism is showing - sorry).

I think being born again means recreation. It means a transformation.  I think it can happen in a moment, but I also think it can happen through time.  I think it also means that God can recreate us every day.  Our journey through sacntification means that we are changed from yesterday, but that we will be different tomorrow.  I know that justification and sanctification aren't the same in Wesley's language, but grace is grace. But of my sanctification means that I am invited to say "yes" to God every day. I am invited to experience "born again" every morning. I can open myself up to vulnerability fresh with the new day; to be naive and to once again depend on God for my daily bread.

May you be born again today.


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