Monday, December 12, 2016


You are the light of the world.  The primary function of light is not to be seen, but to allow others to be seen as they are.

I heard that at a meeting a few weeks ago.  What do you think? 

The primary function of light is not to be seen. That's true - we don't actually see light. We see what reflects the light. So our function as the light of the world is not to be seen.  As the adage goes, "It's not about us."

Our function as light is not to be seen but to allow others to be seen as they are. At first that sounds like our function is to illuminate the sins in others. It sounds frightening and judgmental - I don't want to be illuminated as I am. But that's not what it means - it means to illuminate people as they are, and what they really are, underneath it all, is beloved children of God. We are to illuminate that in people - they way God sees people - the who they really are. 

We can do that.



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