Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hidden in the Code

I am sitting here, working on our church's devotional email for the week.  A member of our church wrote the devotional, emailed it to me, and I cut and pasted it into MailChimp to send out.

I wanted to tweak the font of her signature, so I opened the part of the programming that lets me see the html code.  This is what it says:
(span id="yui_3_2_0_1_13378636000256278")(strong>)(em)Dear God(/em)(/strong), (em)by the Power of Your Holy Spirit, create us anew.  Give us the breath to sing your praises and the faith to soar with you.  Give us power to discern what you call us to be and to do.  Come Holy Spirit, come! (strong)Amen(/strong).(/em)(br /)(br /)(br /)(br /) <span style="font-family: times new roman, i know that everything god does will endure forever">
I've changed the <> that usually appear in code to (), so that we can see the code iteself.  Notce what is in yellow.  That's a font name, but somehow it includes a special phrase -- and it was part of the font name. The author didn't put it there, and I didn't put it there.  Is it the name of the font?

Whatever it is, it is a reminder of faith.  Faith reminders are everywhere, hidden in the code of life, if we will just pay attention.



Blogger birdwatcher said...

Thanks for the reminder!

7:36 AM  

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