Monday, August 15, 2011

Worship Alone

On Sunday, Joe used an illustration in his sermon about a young man who lived across the street from a large downtown church.  He decided one day to find out what that church was all about, so he walked in as worship was about to start.  He was dressed in black, had piercings and tattoos, and didn't know how church "worked."  He walked into an almost full Sanctuary, couldn't find a seat, and walked down to the front of the room.  He sat down on the floor in front of the pulpit.

The head usher, an older man, walked to the front of the Sanctuary.  Everyone knew he was going to ask the man to leave, but instead, he sat down on the floor with the young man so that he wouldn't have to worship alone.

I love that phrase -- so that he wouldn't have to worship alone.  Sometimes I think we might be too selfish about worship -- worship style, sermon construction, hymn choices, etc.  We want to brings us closer to God, what makes us happy.  We want the songs we like and the words that please us.  We may not give as much thought to what brings the person next to us closer to God.

Do we ever sit down on the floor with someone else so that other person doesn't have to worship alone?



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