Friday, June 03, 2011

It begins

Tomorrow I have a meeting with the Team Selection Committee for the upcoming walks. I'm serving as the Lay Director for the Fall women's walk -- I'm sure, if you read this blog at all, you'll be reading about it over the next few months. Today I've been preparing a list of possible team members.

It's disconcerting and worrisome to try to think of who God is calling to be members of this team. A friend told me that I may not think it is the right team, and I may even doubt that it is, but in his experience, it will be. That is my hope.

I'm not sure I've ever done anything like this before. I've never really chosen a team for anything. I've been a part of many teams, and I've led teams, but I'm not sure I've ever chosen one. It's different, and requires a certain boldness and courage.

I pray God can use me in this position, that he will equip me, and give me the ability to discern his will and act upon it.

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