Thursday, December 10, 2009

Strengths and Weaknesses

We went to the high school band concert tonight. This is the jazz ensemble. That tall guy in the middle of the back row -- trumpets -- is G.

I'm sure you recognize him.

The entire concert was done under black light because the stage lights were broken.

I didn't recognize him, either.

Anyway, recently, a friend had to list his strengths and weaknesses. It got me thinking.

  • There are times when your strengths can be your weakness. I'm an organizer, but sometimes, when that becomes the objective, rather than the tool to reach the real goal, organization is a weakness (even though it can be a powerful tool).
  • There are times when your weakness can be your strength, especially when God is involved. If your weakness is time management, then this can become a strength, when you are therefore open to ministry through interruption. It can be grace. God can use our weaknesses to do his work; his strength can shine through.
  • Sometimes a strength can mean that we have a weakness as a result. A person who is very analytical might not be artistic. The lack of artistic skills may be a weakness, but it is not an area for improvement -- a person can't be strong in all areas.
  • Sometimes strengths are an area for improvement -- in fact, they often are. Gifts deserve to be developed and improved, sometimes more urgently than our weaknesses.
  • There are times when a weakness is an area where God will create a strength, if it is necessary. There was a time when I dreaded being called upon to pray without preparation. I wrote out every prayer I was asked to pray "in public." When I became lay leader of our church, and as I taught classes, I realized God was placing me in situations where I needed to be able to pray for group of people, spontaneously. If God was placing me there, then he would equip me. He does. A weakness has become a fertile field for a gift from God.



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