Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Providential Relationships

Back to the idea of Faith Builders from Andy Stanley's sermons....

The second way that Stanley says that God expands our faith is through providential relationships. Have you had a relationship with someone that, as you look back, seems to have been "arranged" by God -- a relationship with someone that has increased your faith?

  • When I think back to high school, I remember Coe Marsh. She was an older adult from our church who went with us on our choir tour. I look back now, and I think her example of faithful service was amazing.
  • Dr. Chuck Echols, who was the associate pastor at our church for a few years, was my Bethel Bible teacher. He was the one who told me that I needed to teach, and he arranged for my first teaching experience.
  • I couldn't begin to explain how my husband has changed my life and increased my faith, but I believe I live in an arranged marriage -- arranged by God.
  • My husband and I are part of a circle of friends -- we, and another couple. We have known these people for years, but over the past couple of years, the friendship has deepened. We laugh outrageously, sometimes, in almost in the same breath, we are magnifying God for each other. Friends.
I think providential relationships are a means of grace that can increase our faith. I think he has done so for me.



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