Saturday, July 05, 2008

Judge Not

We are called, don't you think, to not judge other people. We have a problem with those instructions from God -- judging others seems to come naturally to us.

Why is it that we are told to leave judgement to God?
  • I imagine that one of the reasons is that we aren't smart enough to know judge the way that God can do it.
  • Could it be that we are so much in our sin that we can't judge without our judgments being clouded by our sin?
  • Judgement is something that God has claimed for his own.. To try to judge others is to try to act as God acts.
  • And then there is the perennial reason -- because that's what God says." That reason is kind of in line with the classic, "because I said so, that's why."

Do we ever consider the option that as much as we like to think we are informed, that we can't really see the big picture? We can't see into other peoples hearts and minds. We don't know the reasons behind others actions (even though we like to think that we do.)



Blogger bob said...

Kim, We are called to be just and to choose right paths. In order to do these things we must at least make some sort of judgements on behaviours. That's the truly hard part seperating people from behaviours.

6:20 AM  

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