Monday, May 22, 2006

Random Thoughts

I have one son sitting on the couch doing homework. He seems incapable of tackling this project without whining -- can you tell I can't wait until summer? Anyway, I don't seem to be able to string five thoughts together under one cohesive theme. Lots of thoughts today are floating around in my head. If I had carried a notebook around today, I would have written down the following:
  • I made my younger son smile today because I made a pterodactyl fly. We had to build a volcano for school this weekend, and he decorated the surrounding environment with dinosaurs and trees. Last night we couldn't figure out how to made the winged dinosaur fly -- before S and I went to bed last night I wired that critter up in the air, soaring above the landscape. J was very happy this morning.
  • The minister at a funeral I attended today explained Jesus as the Way by saying that Jesus doesn't show us the path, he takes us by the hand and leads us. I'm sure I have it wrong -- I'm not phrasing it right at all -- but I really liked the image.
  • Joe won two awards at a golf tournament. I didn't ask anything else, but S did. Joe did not share further. I'm doubtful.
  • Play it where it lies. Words to live by.
  • I would have missed the beauty of a church if S hadn't told me to look up.
  • G was telling me a story today -- I don't even remember what is was, but his animation tickled me. I told him, "You know, I really enjoy you." That made him smile; I should do that more often.
  • I don't know how my tiny baby has grown to be the young man that he is, but this evening he was inducted into the Honor Society.
  • The ideals of the National Junior Honor Society are character, scholarship, leadership, service, and citizenship. More words to live by.
  • Just when I'm feeling so smug, having raised such great boys, they throw food at each other in the restaurant at dinner.
  • I'm no good at homework after 8:00. I'm really bad at it at 10:18.


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