Thursday, February 09, 2006

Under the Surface

I had a post planned this morning as I drove to work. Driving time can be thinking time, and in the car is often where the kernel of a post is formed. Anyway, I was driving to work today, thinking, tossing around the bones of today’s post, and pretty much had it planned when I sat down at my desk.

Then I read my email.

I was reminded this morning that we (I) am often totally oblivious to the pain that another person is suffering. I can be completely blind to what is happening around me, stuck in the center of my own little world. Sometimes I might not be aware of someone else’s pain because it is none of my business – hidden by that person in a desire for privacy. Whatever the reason for our (my) lack of awareness, I think we need to remember that we don’t always know what is going on in a person’s life. We need to be aware that however calm or quiet someone or something appears to be, we can’t know what is underneath the surface. God knows, but we (I) do not.

My heart aches this morning, and the only prayer I seem to have is, “God, please help.”


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