Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Role of a Creed

In my Women Speak of God class, we read an examination of the Apostles Creed by Susanna Wesley.  You should read things written by her - she was a wonderful theologian.

Do formal creeds matter? In my opinion, a creed or formal statement of faith has several roles.
  1. As Susanna Wesley noted, the creed is a summation of the faith we find in the scriptures.  To be able to “boil it down” to a creed is helpful in teaching our faith as well as reminding all of us what is in the faith.
  2. The creed, when it was written, can be a way that those at the time stated – formally – what they believed.  It gave them an opportunity to clarify for themselves and for those who were to come what was the common, orthodox set of beliefs.  Because of that, when we repeat a creed, we are reminded of the faith of those who came before; it is their legacy of faith to us – and us to those who come after us.
  3. I think a formal creed succinctly reminds us of what we believe and has the potential to move us to action.  “If I believe this, then my actions should show it.” 
  4. A creed can be a uniting factor in a church.  Pause for a moment during the next time you are asked to recite a creed in worship.  Listen to the words of those around you surround you with words of faith.  We are a church, a body of Christ, stating together our common beliefs.  I believe creeds have an important role in our church.


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