Monday, November 01, 2021

Sense of Urgency

Yesterday, Marv taught a Sunday school lesson based on one of Moses' speeches from Deuteronomy.  He provided a list from the curriculum of ways we can prepare ourselves for worship.  I thought the list would be the basis of a series of blog posts.

The first item on the list is to have a sense of urgency about worship - Anticipate something new.  When I heard that, a few things came to mind.

In the Walk to Emmaus, we are told not to anticipate.  And during our recently Academy, there was a lot of talk about broken expectations - the way to prevent broken expectations is to not have them.

And yet, there is the passage from Isaiah 43:19 -- I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

While this passage from Isaiah isn't specfically about our topic, it does remind me that God is strong enough to bear our expectations - our anticipations.    If we come to worship with a sense of urgency, expecting God to be present, and for God to reveal God-self to us, then isn't God faithful and reliable enough to show up?

Urgency - coming to worship with a sense of anticipation.  It's not something I usually do, but it is something I should do.

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