Thursday, September 06, 2012

Home, Part 6

End of sermon from John 6, "Home."

It is a Eucharistic moment. God, through his son, is offering us everything.  He came to abide with us, leaving his home so that we could find our home.  He became human, dwelling among us, offering us the choice of abiding with him – coming home.
Next week, when you celebrate communion together, remember this passage.  Remember that Christ has opened the door, is offering you the bread of life, so that you can enter a relationship with him.  Remember, when you offer words of confession, all of the times you have stood at the doorway to home and chosen to turn away.  Remember, as the bread is broken and the cup is lifted in thanksgiving, that Christ is offering you a homecoming.  Remember that Christ is the bread of life – everything you need.  He took on flesh and lived among us, abiding with us.  He died for you, so that this door offered would be open to you.  He rose again, and lives with you through the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Next week, when you celebrate communion, do it in remembrance of all that has been done for you and all that is offered you.  Take the bread, take the juice, and come home.

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