Monday, June 09, 2008

The Unexpected

One of the lectionary readings for the week is Genesis 18:1-15. It includes, in verse 12:

So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, "After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?"
I've always kind of wondered if Sarah laughed out of joy or disbelief. Was she laughing because she found the idea of having a child at her age so ridiculous as to be funny, or was she scoffing?

Did she believe?

In the Bible study during conference and in the sermon, one of the recurring themes was to believe in miracles -- to expect the unexpected. Do we ever expect what we think would be impossible?

Just today, I have experienced conversations that I never really believed would happen:

  • I heard our past finance chairman speak of our church with optimism, making plans for when we grow larger. To talk about our church as if it will grow, is to believe that growth is possible.
  • I heard a member speak about prayer. She spoke about God and about how she is praying for him to lead her to evangelism. She went on an Emmaus walk in April, and I really think that she has, in her own way, been transformed by the power of God.
  • My son got his hair cut today!

Things happen which are unexpected. Perhaps we could show God the faith of believing in what we would never expect. And laughing with joy at the idea of it!

Image: Flower from Annual Conference

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