Living Water

I really like my new job. I am incredibly blessed (as our Annual Conference minister would have said, "Blessed beyond measure") to be a part of this ministry.
I was headed down the hallway this afternoon with my handy dandy, non-disposable water bottle, to get some water. I'm trying to drink more water. Not succeeding, but trying.
Anyway, as I was walking down the hallway, I decided to step into the chapel, to see what it is like. Our offices are in a church in Charleston; I had never seen either the chapel or the sanctuary.
The chapel is beautiful -- modern, with some interesting stained glass windows. I'll go back some time with my camera and get to images to post. It has that quiet, peaceful feel of a room dedicated to God. I was struck by the quiet, knowing that one of Charleston's busy street is right on the other side of the wall.

I sat in the pew for a few minutes. When I worked at my old job, there were times when I would stop by our church during lunch, and sit in the quiet of the sanctuary. I hadn't realized until this afternoon that I missed those quiet moments -- I didn't realize it until I had one this afternoon.
It was a completely different room -- different size, different look, different feel. One room holds many memories -- one room I had never seen before. Both held that quiet feel of a room set apart; that quiet feel of a room in which the mind can pay attention to the presence of God.
I have a feeling I'll be back in that chapel, if only for a minute or two, if only now and then.
I touched the baptismal font on my way out. The church keeps water in it, so that one can remember his or her baptism. I went out of the office for a glass of water, and came back having found living water.
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